The Sound of Liberating Truth
Paul Ingram and 1 more
Not Available
Teaching Buddhism in the West
Richard P Hayes and 2 more
In Defense of Dharma
Tessa J Bartholomeusz and 1 more
The Buddhist Unconscious
William S Waldron
Indian Buddhist Theories of Persons
James Duerlinger
British Buddhism
Robert Open University and 1 more
Buddhism, Power and Political Order
Ian Harris
The Buddhist Theory of Self-Cognition
Zhihua Yao
Buddhism, Conflict and Violence in Modern Sri Lanka
Mahinda Deegalle
Theravada Buddhism and the British Encounter
Elizabeth Harris
Discourse and Ideology in Medieval Japanese Buddhism
Richard K Payne
Buddhist Rituals of Death and Rebirth
Rita University of Bristol and 1 more
Buddhist Thought and Applied Psychological Research
DK Nauriyal
Moral Theory in Santideva's Siksasamuccaya
Barbra R Mount Allison Unviersity and 1 more
Buddhist Studies from India to America
Damien Keown
The Concept of the Buddha
Hong Kong and 3 more
The Philosophy of Desire in the Buddhist Pali Canon
David University of Gloucestershire and 1 more
Buddhist Manuscript Cultures
Stephen C Berkwitz
Buddhist Nuns in Taiwan and Sri Lanka
WeiYi Hsuan Chuang University and 1 more
The Cultural Practices of Modern Chinese Buddhism
Francesca Tarocco
Power, Wealth and Women in Indian Mahayana Buddhism
DE Massey University and 1 more
Mindfulness in Early Buddhism
Tsefu Kuan
Buddhist Monasticism in East Asia
James A Benn
The Spread of Tibetan Buddhism in China
Dan Smyer Yü
Environmental Ethics in Buddhism
Pragati University of Delhi and 1 more
Tibetan Rituals of Death
Margaret University of Bristol and 1 more
New Buddhist Movements in Thailand
Rory Mackenzie
The Notion of Ditthi in Theravada Buddhism
Paul Fuller
Imaging Wisdom
Jacob N Kinnard
Dan Smyer Yu
Buddhism in Canada
Bruce Matthews
Buddhist and Christian?
Rose Drew
Buddhist Practice and Visual Culture
Julie Gifford
Tibetan and Zen Buddhism in Britain
David N St Martins College and 2 more
Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha
Kathryn R Blackstone
Women in P?li Buddhism
Pascale University of Bristol and 1 more
Religion, Medicine and the Human Embryo in Tibet
Frances Garrett
Empty Vision
David McMahan
The Glorious Deeds of Purna
Joel Tatelman
Pain and Its Ending
Carol Anderson
Developments in Australian Buddhism
Michelle Spuler
Altruism and Reality
Paul Williams
Buddhism in Australia
Cristina Rocha
Buddhism and Human Rights
Wayne R Husted and 1 more
Buddhist Theology
Roger Jackson
A Survey of Vinaya Literature
Charles S Prebish
Engendering the Buddhist State
Ashley University of Leeds and 1 more
The Reflexive Nature of Awareness
Early Buddhist Meditation
Keren Tel Aviv University and 1 more
The Refutation of the Self in Indian Buddhism
Death and Reincarnation in Tibetan Buddhism
Tanya University of Adelaide and 1 more
Reason and Experience in Tibetan Buddhism
Thomas Doctor
Women in Pali Buddhism
Pascale Engelmajer
Tibetan Buddhism in Diaspora
Ana Lopes
Keren Arbel
Birth in Buddhism
Amy Langenberg
The Buddhist Art of Living in Nepal
Lauren Leve
Therav?da Buddhist Encounters with Modernity
Juliane Arizona State University and 1 more
Ashley Thompson
Buddhism, Meditation, and Free Will
Rick Repetti
Theravada Buddhism in Colonial Contexts
Thomas Borchert
Women in British Buddhism
Caroline Starkey
Indian Buddhist Studies on Non-Buddhist Theories of a Self
James The University of Iowa and 1 more
Buddhist Visions of the Good Life for All
Sallie B King
Reimagining Chan Buddhism
Jimmy Yu
Revolutionaries and Reformers in Lao Buddhism
Patrice Ladwig
Buddhism, Cognitive Science, and the Doctrine of Selflessness
Hugh Nicholson
Buddhist Architecture in America
Robert Gordon
Ritual and Liturgy in Esoteric Chinese Buddhism
Charles D Orzech
Buddhism in the Nordic Countries
Jørn Borup and 3 more
Buddhist Hermits in Eastern Tibet
Magdalena Maria Turek